
Nous organisons des événements, conférences, séminaires en ligne et ateliers de formation dans le monde entier pour les chercheurs, les décideurs politiques et les acteurs de terrain. 

Upcoming Events

Crianças brincando
Workshop or Training

Chamada de programas para fortalecer a qualidade de pré-escolas

- (7am-5pm EDT)
Inscrições via formulário online
O J-PAL LAC e a Fundação Bracell estão unindo forças para promover a melhoria da qualidade da educação infantil no Brasil com o projeto “Fortalecimento das aprendizagens e do desenvolvimento das crianças na pré-escola”. Esta chamada de propostas tem como objetivo selecionar programas promissores...
Grupo de pessoas debatendo durante evento

Aplicando o que foi aprendido em avaliações aleatorizadas em novos contextos

- (3-4pm EDT)
Durante a Semana de Avaliação gLOCAL 2024 - uma semana anual dedicada a eventos relacionados ao intercâmbio de conhecimento e experiências de Monitoramento e Avaliação - o J-PAL para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) vai apresentar como aplicar evidências geradas nas avaliações de outros programas e...
Encuestadora hace preguntas a mujer

Herramientas prácticas para incorporar una perspectiva de género en la evaluación

- (1-2pm EDT)
En vivo via Zoom
En el marco de la Semana de la Evaluación gLOCAL 2024—una semana anual dedicada a eventos de intercambio de conocimientos y experiencias de Monitoreo y Evaluación—J-PAL para Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) y la Oficina Regional de ONU Mujeres para las Américas y el Caribe compartirán dos...
Female garment vendor at an informal market

Curso en línea: Introducción a la evaluación de programas y uso de evidencia para organizaciones en Centroamérica

- (12-2pm EDT)
J-PAL LAC ofrecerá una capacitación gratuita en línea para introducir la evaluación de impacto aleatorizada y el uso de evidencia para la generación de mejores programas sociales y gubernamentales.
EdTech: Child using a Tablet in School

Digital Learning: Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching in Egypt

- (7-9am EDT)
Oriental Hall, AUC Tahrir Campus
The upcoming Global Evidence for Egypt spotlight seminar on digital learning will focus on how evidence from randomized evaluations conducted globally can inform the use of educational technology to improve learning outcomes.
Participants at J-PAL's Evaluating Social Programs course in Cambridge, USA.
Workshop or Training

J-PAL/MIT Evaluating Social Programs Course, 2024

Cambridge, MA, US
This five-day, in-person training provides an in-depth look at why and when randomized evaluations can be used to rigorously measure the impact of social programs.
Woman studying during the 2023 Summer School
Workshop or Training

Ecole d’été 2024: Méthodologies du Développement

Rabat, Maroc
Dans le cadre de la Chaire «Méthodologies du Développement» d’Abhijit Banerjee et Esther Duflo, une école d’été pour chercheurs et porteurs de projets africains sera organisée du 1 au 4 juillet 2024 à Rabat, sur le campus de l’Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P).
A woman works on her laptop in an office setting in Uganda.

J-PAL Africa Conducting Experimental Research Course

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
This five-day academic workshop on conducting randomized evaluations aims to strengthen the knowledge and further develop the good practices of participants who are already well-versed in the methodological foundations of impact evaluations.

Past Events

Animación con fotografías de eventos y talleres organizados en el marco de la alianza UVG y J-PAL

Celebrando un año de la alianza J-PAL y UVG

- (11am-1:30pm EDT)
Auditorio CIT-727, Dr. Carlos Manuel Paiz Andrade, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, 18 Av. 11-95 Zona 15, Vista Hermosa III, Guatemala
J-PAL Latinoamérica y el Caribe (LAC) y la Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) le invitan al evento por el primer año del inicio de su alianza. El objetivo es presentar los avances del trabajo conjunto de UVG y J-PAL LAC para promover la toma de decisiones informada por evidencia en Guatemala.
Three students sitting around a table with two laptops in a classroom.

DEDP Webinar: Pursue a credential in the MITx MicroMasters® Program

Live via Zoom
The next term for the MITx MicroMasters® Program in Data, Economics, and Design of Policy is fast approaching! Join the DEDP Course Team for a live webinar to learn more about the program and to have your questions answered live. A recording of the event will be sent to all registrants.
Photo of three DEDP master's students reviewing an informational pamphlet

Dentro do Programa MITx MicroMasters® em Dados, Economia, e Design de Políticas (DEDP) e das Bolsas de Estudo da Fundação Lemann

- (8-9am EDT)
Live via Zoom
O programa MicroMasters® em Dados, Economia e Design de Políticas (DEDP) oferece a estudantes habilidades práticas e conhecimento teórico para enfrentar alguns dos desafios mais urgentes em todo o mundo.
Lecture hall
Workshop or Training

Humanitarian Action Research Incubator in Bogotá, Colombia

Bogotá, Colombia
J-PAL and Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA) are pleased to announce that applications are now open for a three-day randomized evaluation design workshop as part of the Displaced Livelihoods Initiative (DLI) and ongoing work to improve humanitarian protection programs.
A small room of adult learners sit around tables to discuss a case study.
Workshop or Training

Training on Randomized Impact Evaluations for Humanitarian Professionals

Live via Zoom: 1pm - 5pm (Central European Time)
J-PAL and Innovations for Poverty Action are pleased to offer training on randomized evaluations and their applications in humanitarian settings for implementers and policymakers. Held live over Zoom, this training consists of four half-days of lectures and working sessions, and will equip...
Woman receiving money
Lecture Series

Universal Basic Income: Open Lecture with Abhijit Banerjee

- (12-1:30pm EDT)
University of Cape Town
J-PAL Africa, together with the University of Cape Town and the Southern Africa Labour and Development Research Unit (SALDRU), is excited to present a special open lecture featuring Nobel Prize laureate and J-PAL co-founder, Abhijit Banerjee. This insightful session will delve into the concept of...
students walking in the school

Cerrando brechas educativas desde la UC: la experiencia de las tutorías escolares

- (8-10am EDT)
Salón de honor de Casa Central, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Av. Libertador Bernardo O'Higgins 340, Santiago
El evento tiene como objetivo reflexionar sobre las tutorías escolares como una estrategia para abordar los desafíos educacionales actuales. Asimismo, busca llegar a la comunidad educativa de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC Chile) y otras instituciones de educación superior, a...
Children playing basketball Danish Refugee Council

Humanitarian Protection Initiative Scholars Information Session

Organisé par:
Online (via Zoom)
This webinar will be facilitated by the Humanitarian Protection Initiative (HPI), a new initiative focused on research questions on how to effectively improve humanitarian protection outcomes by keeping those who are affected by armed conflict safe from violence, coercion and deliberate deprivation...